Wednesday 25 September 2013

Biology - Evolution unit - Justin Siray

Evolution is a topic that effects all of is in a unique way. Each and every living species on this planet has undergone some kind of evolutionary process and are continuing to experience evolution as we speak. Evolution is not summarized or explained by one single factor or event. It is a cumulation of many factors both biotic and abiotic in our world. To promote international mindedness in the topic of Evolution, I would get students to think of ways how evolution could possibly differ around the globe. Looking specifically at things that occur within nature, including the habitat, ecosystem, life forms present, weather, etc. On top of this I would encourage students to look at how different cultures effect evolution in our world, how would they differ? What kind of selective pressures could exist in one country but not in another? To tie it all together I would get students to investigate and discuss whether these selective pressures are a good thing or a bad thing, should humans be guiding evolution through technological advances? This topic can promote great international mindedness as well as topics dealing with many ethical and interconnected issues that affect evolution in our world today and more importantly in the future. 



1 comment:

  1. Could you include the PLOs.
    Also - try this with a grade 8-10 unit.
