Tuesday 24 September 2013

International Mindedness (Mathematics) –Jason Liu

A1. Demonstrate an understanding of the Système International

A2. Demonstrate an understanding of the imperial system


The lesson will provide the students an introduction to the different units of measurements that they encounter in their daily life. Other less familiar measurement units will be introduced. The students will be introduced to the units that Canadians don't really use and asked to suggest reasons why different set of measuring units are used in different countries and different regions.

The students should be able to learn how to convert between different set of standard units and develop an idea of the convenience and/or inconvenience of having so many different measurement units. For example, different units will be compared to provoke questions such as: how did the unit measurement come to be (why is a foot called a foot and the cultural aspects behind it), why are the units not standardized worldwide (miles vs km), what are the advantages/disadvantages of an imperial system of measurement.