Monday 23 September 2013

Internationally Minded- PLO English Language Arts 12 - Justin B

PLO B1 in English Language Arts outlines that:

"read, both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a wide variety of literary texts, including"
- literature reflecting a variety of times, places, and perspectives
- significant works of Canadian literature

To make this PLO internationally minded, I would be interested in using the work "What We All Long For" by Dionne Brand, which examines several cultural struggles for first generation immigrant children from several different cultural backgrounds in Toronto. If we look at a feature of international mindedness as "knowledge and understanding beyond one's own nationality" and "awareness and understanding of the interdependence among peoples," this work helps to demonstrate how different cultures function within the Canadian landscape. What I would hope to gain out of teaching this piece is for students to learn about issues within other cultures, not just their own.

- Justin B.

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