Wednesday 25 September 2013

International Mindedness in Music - Jocelyn Liu

Instrumental Music 12: Structure (Elements of Rhythm, Melody and Expression) Units

International mindedness can be incorporated into the structure units if students play music that features different musical folk elements from different cultures. Instead of playing the standard concert band charts, there can be a programme made up of repertoires composed/arranged by different composers from different areas of the world. By playing in these different music styles, students can learn about the linkage between tradition and music that can be found specifically in each culture. Students can then compare and contrast the differences in rhythm, harmony, and articulations used between the pieces. If possible, guests should be brought in to show and talk about the different performance techniques in his/her specialty area. This experience of playing music from all over the world can later easily be turned into another international minded unit focusing on the historical/cultural context. 

- Jocelyn

Jocelyn Liu
B. Ed Candidate 2014 | University of British Columbia
B.Mus 2012 | University of British Columbia
VP External 2010-12 | Music Undergraduate Student Association
(C) 778-865-1388

1 comment:

  1. Could you include the PLOs?
    Also try a grade 8-10 unit
