Sunday 22 September 2013

International-Mindedness in Math - Alex B


Math 9: Patterns/Relations; linear relations, two-variable graphing, interpolation, extrapolation
Lesson idea: Have students create input/output tables for the data found in the Excel document on the website above. In order to understand the information in the document, the students then need to research what "GINI" means (GINI coefficient is used to determine distribution of wealth within a household within a given economy). Upon learning the meaning of the GINI coefficient (what the meaning of a large coefficient is versus a small coefficient), students must then plot the year vs. the GINI coefficient of the year and interpolate the data for each year. The next step is to extrapolate the information for the next 30 years, and explain why their extrapolation is reasonable or unreasonable. Various questions to ask students is to check whether or not GINI is based only on households, or is it also based on people who do not have typical homes. Finally, I could ask the students to provide one example of a website they could use to verify their information.

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