Tuesday 24 September 2013

International Mindedness - English LA - Jenny

One of the PLOs in English 8 state:
B2 - read, both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a variety of information and persuasive texts with some complexity of ideas and form, such as
– articles and reports 
– biographies and autobiographies
– textbooks, magazines, and newspapers
– print and electronic reference material
– advertising and promotional material

To incorporate international mindedness, a world map could be set up and articles and events could be pinpointed onto the areas that the texts come from, as well as a bulletin board or collection of the responses and articles. This creates a more culturally diverse classroom, conversation between students and also a visual that others can view and learn from to foster respect and understanding for other cultures. Responses to the text could include the student's own personal experiences, their questions, why a certain text was written the way it was written and so on. This could build up critical thinking and analytical skills while still being something that can assess for the student's understanding. 


1 comment:

  1. Great example - I like the idea of using a map as a visual to connect all of the responses and articles
