Tuesday 24 September 2013

Internationally Minded Topic in Social Studies - Chelsea

Typically World War II in schools is taught from the Canadian perspective, focusing on Canada's role in Europe and the affects the war had at home. To make WWII study more internationally minded, I would have students read a primary source written by an individual from another country involved in the war. The source ideally would represent the experience of an individual from a country that Canada was not allied with during the battle.

Also, I would teach students not only about the economic, political, and social implications the war had on Canada, but on other countries as well. Videos, or secondary sources can be used to show students the devastation countries involved in the other side of the conflict endured. I would use WWII study to develop empathy in children, and to encourage them to look at modern day international conflicts from the perspectives of other countries. 

Chelsea C


  1. Great idea - what grade and PLOs is this for?

  2. Grade 11
    PLO: Assess Canada’s role in World War II and the war’s impact on Canada
