Sunday 22 September 2013

Internationally Minded idea for English Language Arts - Robb

One group our idea had was to study The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. This novel, to be taught at Grade 11 ideally, introduces Canadian students to a different culture and an entirely different part of the world - one that mostly receives negative media attention. To understand this novel, students would need to gain a cursory understanding of Afghanistan history and culture, a task that promotes International Mindedness.

Many of the novel's themes such as bullying, guilt, redemption, and father and son relationships, are universal. This universality helps spark and maintain students' interest. The class could be asked to evaluate the decisions characters make within their cultural context, while comparing them with how decisions would be made in their own culture.

 - Robb Ross

1 comment:

  1. Please include the appropriate PLOs that would correspond. Also can you include an example from grade 8-10?
